Education Is Everybody's Right

I love children and concern a lot about their education. Really it's a
happiness for me to see a smile in the face of the children I've met
on Sunday, 15th 2011 at PerpusKreatif.

Thanks to @InandaTiaka for giving the info and invite me to
@ChildCanLead program that she lead, thanks for loving these've done a great job!

Glad n thanks God to meet my new friends there, a writepreneur with so
many achievement @salsabeela, she gives us so many inspiration!,
@dini_de one of RIFA student actually hehe..keep ur spirit! @emiralda
the writer of 'Yang Tersisa Dari Setahun' see your book is a nice
reminder for me, The boys: @EdwinJuniar, Taufan and my old friends in
Astra Yudi Hartanto, @luhursapto, @dephinpermana proud with you guys!

Actually education is also related to my job as Financial Advisor,
that always suggest and reminds parents to prepare for their children
education fund, as soon as possible, because I think it's their right.

I often say that it's better the children have usual clothes but they
get the best education that they need. Just want to show how important
is education for a child, for their future.

This topic is one of main topic when I had a conversation with taxi
driver. I'm asking how many child they have, how old are them, boy or
girl, how about their school, just want to know their children get
education properly or not. It's good to hear that the taxi company
also provide the scholarship for the employee's children. I also
sometimes remind them to prepare the fund from now for the college,
because its getting more and more expensive. And they can get cheaper
university but accredited, at Open University. I just want to make
them well informed that there's still a way that their children can
finish their college.

Too many children stop their school at senior high school, even under
that..and now they have to work in a place that can't give the reward
that they should have, just because they don't have the degree. I do
believe many of them have better quality and should be given a

I just want to try the best I can do so the children can have the
education they need, support and attention from their parents, so they
can be the best that they can be, to give to the world the special
potency within them self..

Everybody, especially parents should put education in the first place
for their someday their children can be well educated,
ready to face the world outside and reach their dreams..

Actually, many parents also still need education, so they can
understand and give the best effort they have for their children.
Parenting is one way to get there..

So, education is everybody's right..

Love u all..see u again.. (^_^)




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