Mind Your Business

Wow, it’s been so long I’m not writing!

Having a great time for this past few months explore about one of the quadrant that Robert Kiyosaki wrote in his famous and eye opening book: “Cashflow Quadrant” believe me, you should read this book, again and again!

For those who haven’t read that book, I will give a little preview, he explain that there is 4 Cashflow Quadrant:

Most of us, especially if our family lineage are most employees, we only know one major source of cash flow and that is become an employee, right?

No offense, that’s happen to me also, I start working in 2003 and seven years become an employee. With my Information Technology background I had worked as Programmer, Analyst, Data Analyst and Business Process Analyst.  Long story short,  I then take decision that I don’t want to do 9-5 job routine, with three main reason:
  • I don’t want to do the same thing over and over again for the rest of my life. I need to learn something new and growing.
  • I want to have time with my mom, it’s hard for me to leave her alone at home (my father still work). For me time freedom is priceless.
  • I can’t stand in traffic jam! Because I think I can do many things in hours that spent stuck in traffic jam :p
That’s why I decide to resign and start my journey as Finance Consultant in 2011, after graduate from Master Degree in Finance and get my financial planner certification. Start from zero, I learn many new skills from my mentor and senior (handling client, writing books, public speaking, etc). After 4 years, thank God I can become self employed, not working under company any more and having time freedom (read Pengalaman menjadi self employed).

After 2 years enjoying my time freedom as self employed, I feel that I have more time that can be used more productive. That’s why, I feel the calling to learn again, get out from my comfort zone and do something different to help more people. And it brought me to read the book again, yes, cashflow quadrant!

The next quadrant that I feel the urgency to explore is the B (Business Owner) and I think you should to.  Why?

6 years as finance consultant, handling personal client there is two condition I see, in summary:
  1. People who need to manage their expenses.
  2. People who need to increase their income.
For people in no. 1 in many cases, what you need is more self control (don’t get into debt that make you in trouble), prioritize (primer vs non primer, need vs want) and allocate your income to grow your investment/asset not liability to achieve financial goals (read book: ‘Rich Dad Poor Dad’ by Robert Kiyosaki).

For people in no. 2, what you need is to increase your income or having another source of income rather than only depend to your salary. And I suggest that you don’t try only by changing from job to job to get higher salary, because however you still trade time for money as employee. Open your eyes and your mind, see that there’s many opportunity outside, in another quadrant:
  • Self employee (skill for money). You need to increase your skill so people can reward you more and you can get extra income from that maybe without have to spent time 8 hours a day. If you are small business owner who still do the work and don’t have a system, you are still in this quadrant. (read book: ‘The 4-Hour Workweek’ by Timothy Ferris).
  • Business owner (people & system for money). You can learn to manage people, build a system and team to do the work together so you can produce more with less time and effort. Don’t forget to help your people grow. That’s why you’ll learn about leadership more in this quadrant. (read book: ‘Why We Want You To Be Rich’ by Donald Trump & Robert Kiyosaki, ‘The Business of The 21st Century' by Robert Kiyosaki).
  • Investor (money for money). If you have more money to come, you can allocate some of that to an investment like paper asset, real estate, and also for the important thing: to educate yourself. (read book: ‘Guide to Investing’ by Robert Kiyosaki).

For the years to come I will dedicate my time, money and effort to learn, explore and share (in my blog, facebook, instagram and twitter) about business owner quadrant and I want to learn from people who already succeed, that’s the easier way, I think ;)

So start from now 'mind your business' and let’s grow together! 


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