
Showing posts from 2010

Nice Reminder..

Hmm..rasanya gimana hari ini.. Diingatkan untuk sesuatu yang hampir 6 bulan lalu sudah ingin 6 months after that I'm still not doing that thing..important thing actually.. bersyukur punya seseorang yang care n remind me today..and I promised that I will do it..thank you for push me not because I don't want, but because I always postponed..but I realize that I can't postponed the time.. ga mau menyesali, krn sadar memang salah dan HARUS diperbaiki..God please help me.. ini juga jadi pelajaran hari ini..selain satu statement bagus dari buku yang aku baca "Memilih sesuatu yang kita sukai sama dengan bertanggung jawab penuh atas pilihan tersebut." Thanks God for this 'Nice Reminder'.. Faith, Hope n Love -phien-

Udah akhir tahun aja..

Ga terasa udah di penghujung tahun ini..hoho.. udah ngapain aja ya tahun 2010 ini?? *thinking hmm..punya beberapa pencapaian buat event-event tahun ini : HUT Astra, Family Day Astra, Natal Astra..pengalaman-pengalaman seru bersama para panitia..oh iya sama pengalaman nge-dance diacara QCC Astra..hihihi..*out of the box bangeeetttt tapi bner2 unforgetable memories.. untuk resolusi pribadi beberapa tercapai, tuk ambil sertifikasi finance yang hopefully bisa sidang n lulus bulan depan..seneng n seru belajar bidang baru, dunia ternyata masih luas untuk diselami, walau banyak tantangan juga..hehehe..*smangat mode on banyak pelajaran tahun ini, n also miracle from God..hanya ucap syukur atas segala penyertaan dan cintaNya yang smakin kurasakan.. tahun depan banyak plan yang ingin dicapai, terutama dgn BIG decision akhir tahun ini.. semoga bisa terealisasi, bisa berguna bagi lebih banyak orang, n get the BEST VERSION of me..*kata Rene sekian dulu ya tuk malam ini, seneng bisa nulis walau hany

There is time for anything..

Yeah..that's the truth that can't never deny.. All of us often want everything happen in the time we thinking and want something..instantly..but the fact is it's never happen..because life is not a magic, that will change by a 'click' of finger.. We know this world is created by Almighty God..He is the one who have control for everything happen in this world..but don't blame Him if we think something not we want happen..because everything happen for a reason. All we have to do is ask for understanding and wisdom to know 'why' and 'what' He want.. One thing for sure God is the perfect planner.. and nothing compared to one.. He knows the right time for every single little thing, that even beyond our one thing is connected with another a person from another part, will be a part of someone else in another place.. How Amazing..!! Be patient..keep close to Him..waiting and trust His perfect time for everything we nee

When we don't understand..

There are times when many questions around our mind..and we don't know the answer..and we try to asked God, but it feels like He's very quite.. We push ourselves to think again, to search for the reason, why? and finally we become upset and hurt often, feels like it is not fair..and we start blaming others and sadly, include God.. One for sure God always has the answer! He knows what to do and what not to do..He knows what's best for us..include our hard times..we will learn not to depend on ourselves or others, but on Him..because He loves and care for us..always.. Never give up whatever our condition..for He is God who not depend at all on any conditions! and if it seems that we don't know what to do..just is more than gives us strength.. Faith, Hope and Love -phien-

God is Love..

Love is patient, Love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. Love never fails.. That's all is God for all of us.. Faith, Hope and Love -phien-


Patience is waiting for God to solve problems that we can't solve.. This word seems like the BIG word for me..the most often come in my remind me when it seems to lost that..and I think now I treat it like my best friend that comes along with me wherever I's not a burden anymore..cos it's the way it should be.. It's a kind a lifetime lesson when we past one by one see how is our real quality.. Today I read about it again "Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer" Romans 12:12 Things that always remind me to keep patient is that I imagine how patient is Our God when see us, the most loved creature He already created..but often live like He doesn't exist..I just feel very small when I remember that.. Faith, Hope and Love -phien-

start a new thing..

it's always not easy to start doing something new..but willingness to do it's what we need.. i think..this is the time for me to start doing what i want to do..cos like one quote "procrastination is the number one enemy" ...hoho..i do believe that because we can turn back time that already passed..even only one second.. writing is one of my passion..deep in my heart i want to make people happy with what I have said, wrote or did..and it will be my pleasure if i can make someone feel better or just make them can smile.. :) Faith, Hope and Love -phien-