
Showing posts from February, 2013

Financial Freedom (Part 1)

Artikel ini dipublish di Cita Cinta edisi Desember 2012 1. Apa yang dimaksud dengan merdeka secara finansial? Financial Freedom atau Kemerdekaan Finansial bisa diartikan dengan berbagai macam persepsi. Sebagian menyatakan bahwa itu adalah saat seseorang memiliki uang yang sangat banyak, atau saat seseorang bisa membeli apa yang diinginkan. Jika dikaitkan dengan Perencanaan Keuangan, Financial Freedom dapat dimaknai dengan suatu kondisi dimana seseorang sudah bebas atau tidak terikat lagi dengan uang. Yang dimaksud bebas atau tidak terikat bukan berarti tidak membutuhkan, namun berarti bahwa secara finansial orang tersebut sudah dapat memenuhi kebutuhan primer/dasar, serta tujuan-tujuan keuangan penting yang ada dalam proses Financial Planning secara keseluruhan, bahkan dalam tingkat yang lebih ideal sudah bisa berkontribusi/memberi untuk kepentingan orang lain. 2. Apakah kemerdekaan finansial sama dengan memiliki pasif income? Kemerdekaan finansial dimiliki setelah sese

The Do’s and Don’ts in Financial Planning After Marriage

(continue from previous post 'How to Tying The Financial Knot'  ) The Do’s: Do the financial check-up.  As soon as possible it should be done, preferably before marriage, and do some action to make the unhealthy financial condition healthier. Create financial goals.  These should include short, medium and long term, and then make a financial plan to achieve the goals with commitment in the process. Avoid consumptive debt. The interest is very high,(while maybe we don’t have investment return that is greater than the interest). You and your partner should save money to buy consumer goods, not paying more than the real price.  Increase knowledge in financial planning. Get information from the competent people, such as a Registered Financial Associate (RFA) or Certified Financial Planner (CFP). Do not buy the financial products that we do not clearly understand. The Financial products we buy must relate with our risk profile (conservative, moderate, aggressive) a

How to Tying The Financial Knot

This article published in Maxxbride magazine November 2012 (Text by Irina Jusuf) Adapting to life after marriage, its not as easy as we have imagined. Many things have certainly changed from our previous life. Starting from day-to-day habits, level of needs to a way of thinking that will ultimately determine the basic goal of marriage itself. Similarly, in financial affairs , a newlywed couples should be able to put aside their egos and getting used to combine their income for the household integrity. Managing finance together after marriage is going to be a challenge because it involves habits and ego of each party. Is the husband gives authority of the entire income to the wife? What if the wife’s earning are also used to cover the family's needs ? Is there a sharing of task and responsibility to pay the expenses? That’s why the newlyweds are expected to sit together in planning their finances after the wedding ceremony, to determine th