A plan is just a plan!

When you want to go somewhere you need a plan right? But if you already have a plan you also have a choice to do it by the plan you’ve made or not.

Yes, it means that a plan is just a plan when you take no action from it.

Some client make a plan for their child education fund and their pension fund, but they fail in doing the plan. Many reason come to this, here some of them..

There’s always an excuse for not doing the plan, but at the end it only show how serious you are to your goals and how important them in your life. If you keep saying to yourself that you can’t, that’s become true!

“Your words create your world.”

Trying to be perfect
You don’t have to be perfect to start to do something. If you plan to save 10% of your income, but if right now you only can save 5% of your income just do it!

Nobody’s perfect..it’s right, but it doesn’t mean that you can’t take the best out of you!  

Blame others or situation
When we blame, we give responsibility of our live to others or situation. Why don’t you take your responsibility for your life, if you have to change, be honest and be brave. Your comfort zone is the enemy of your growth. Again it’s a choice, if you decide to do something make sure you decide it because you realize it’s for your own good, so someday you will not blame or regret.

One quote said “If you fail to plan, you plan to fail.” but I think “If you plan but no action, you still fail.”

Make a plan to achieve your goals, and don’t stop there, make it real!

Image taken from here


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